Saturday, August 4, 2012

Now Frank returns

Frank came by. Ugh. What a day.

He looked even worse, if you can believe that. He tried to convince me that he's being arbitrarily targeted by something, that he keeps almost getting into accidents. Why would anyone be after him of all people?

Reminds me of this "gangstalking" phenomenon I've heard about. Conspiracy theory nonsense.

Also, I'm pretty sure he is on some illegal substance again, because he proceeded to describe to me the thing that's supposedly after him. Now, I'm not one to discount possible supernatural phenomena out of hand, but given his history, Occam's razor demands I take the simplest explanation. First I've heard of something like this anyway.

So he says a woman is following him, but it's not a woman (if that makes any sense). She or it is made of marble, or at least looks that way, and he's not sure what her face looks like. Apparently she always lugs around an umbrella even though it hasn't been raining much.

This weird hallucination or whatever frightens him and he says he wants to come back to the group so he can spend every day here in the apartment again. Says he feels safer here since we keep it so neat and tidy.

I had to turn him away. I don't want Lina exposed to his drug use or his hallucinations, not in her condition.

Just now, while writing this, Torrance called. (Can't he leave us alone for God's sake?!) He said, "You're all in danger!"

I slammed the phone into it's cradle. I think I'm gonna go nuts!

1 comment:

  1. That's a new one. When you said a woman I expected her to be made of wood.
