Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Case #1: Honors Convocation

This story is quite late being reported on, since this happened at the end of this past school year, but like I said before I had to convince my sister and her fiance, and I couldn't do that until I managed to tune into Tower TV and until they were finally able to move to the area.

It was apparently at a private school in Huxley, Iowa. The ceremony is said by our source to have been for students in middle school, receiving various awards for exceptional performance in various classes.

All was going well. The students for each category of awards were called up; they took their awards, shook the headmaster's hand, and stood along the edge of the stage so their families in the audience could see and be proud of their kids (whilst applauding and snapping photos, of course).

The ceremony was almost over when something terrible occurred. The final group was on the stage, holding high their hard won prizes and the headmaster was walking forward to give the final speech before dismissal.

A girl near the center to the row of students took out a knife which had been hidden in her clothing. Everyone gasped. She proceeded to slice down her arm. A feathery black wing stuck out and fluttered for a moment before the bird to which it belonged flew out. Then another, and another. Blood pooled on the stage.

All of this happened in the span of seconds, before anyone had time to react.

In total, there were dozens of birds. Some attacked the other students while the rest turned their attentions toward the audience. Several of families, grandparents and young siblings included, ran to the exits, only to find them locked. Everyone was trapped in the auditorium with hostile birds. They sliced flesh and bit through sinew. Some they burrowed into.

The girl from whom they'd come only smiled as she cut down her chest and torso, exposing a wide cavity filled with even more birds where organs should be. These new additions pushed between her ribs and joined the hunt. It appears that the birds were choosing people for some purpose.

As they flew in clusters ever larger, it seemed like lightning flashed a few times, eventually starting a fire. Smoke filled the place and people began to collapse. Eventually the fire consumed all.

Notably missing from the bodies later found at the scene were those of the girl and the others whom the birds had "chosen."

Our source then confiscated the security footage (there had been some prior incidents; it is not known how the girl managed to smuggle the knife inside) and brought it to us. We can't show the video for obvious reasons.

It is unknown at this time what these birds were or what caused this horrible event.


  1. The Convocation and the Nests who hold them aren't that unknown. For your safety and sanity I suggest you stop this line of investigation and if you ever find your television tuned to Tower TV change the channel or turn it off. Your sanity will thank you.

    1. And what do you know about this subject matter? We could make great strides in understanding this crazy world and spreading the truth if you could provide usable info. Let us know how to get in contact with you (unless you're some kind of nutcase or "troll"). It'd be nice to have more than one source, seeing as we're just starting out. About the birds: the story of the convocation isn't unknown? You've heard of this incident? Also, the birds, as far as I know, haven't been seen since. As for the second half of your comment, like I said in the first post: Tower TV doesn't work on me--I just see static.

    2. The best mode of contact is my blog. Normally recommending reading my blog to anyone who isn't already being stalked by one of Them would violate rule 3 "Don't involve outsiders". However you seem intent on involving yourself and maybe if you're smart enough to take it seriously it will scare you into stopping this line of investigation.

      The incident itself is not widely known. The birds themselves, known collectively as the Convocation, are known in many circles. Mainly by those trying not to be killed by Them and by those who serve Them.

    3. Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me the birds that attacked at the convocation are CALLED the Convocation? That sounds a bit...I don't know.

    4. Never let it be said that eldrich abominations from beyond time and space lack a sense of humor. It's Their most common name but I'm sure it was applied to them by humans not by themselves. Nests (i.e. that traitor to our species that was hosting them in her body) often refer to Them as "the bright ones". The Storm, the Flock, and the Murder (as in a murder of crows) are also common. If you lack the sense to abandon this research then I would expect you to eventually come across references to the Bleak Shore that is purportedly their home.

    5. I still can't believe that a girl that young would have birds inside her. You mean she was a willing "Nest?" Ugh. It makes me shiver just to think about it.

      At any rate, I guess I'll read your blog when I have the chance. Maybe it'll be enlightening.
